Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Marymount - International School Rome

112 for all Rome emergencies

112 becomes phone number for all Rome emergency services.

The telephone number for reporting all emergencies in Rome is 112 as from 18 November.

The one-stop-shop telephone number will be valid in the capital and the greater Rome area and will soon be extended throughout the Lazio region.

Calls to 112 are free and the operators speak at least 12 languages.

The news was announced by Lazio governor Nicola Zingaretti, in line with Rome's extra security measures in the wake of the Paris attacks, and ahead of the upcoming Holy Jubilee Year of Mercy, which begins on 8 December.

Until now the 112 number was solely for the carabinieri, while 113 was for the police, 115 for the fire brigrade and 118 for ambulance services.

Ambrit 724 x 450
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Smiling H3 - 320x480
Marymount - International School Rome