300 more taxis for Rome.
There are currently 5,821 cabs in the capital but there may soon to be 6,121. The news was broken by the mayor Walter Veltroni, who announced a decision that has been taken by the city council. The number of taxis in the capital has remained the same for many years and the time has come for an increase in line with rising demand.
There has been some resistance in the past from taxi drivers due to the fact that cab owners need to purchase a licence, often from a retiring cabbie, in order to ply their trade and with an increase in the number of licences the resale price of their licence would decrease dramatically. Nevertheless, it appears that a solution has been found.
A public tender, drawn up by the VII Dipartimento, is soon to be advertised by both the city hall and Romes bus company ATAC. In the meantime Romes cab drivers are to be issued with a new code of behaviour. This gives guidelines on how to behave and deal with passengers as well as tips on driving in the capital.
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