Adopt a Pigotta for Christmas
The traditional “Adopt a Pigotta” campaign by the Italian branch of the United Nations Fund for Children (Unicef) is underway. A “pigotta” is a handmade doll made by people of all ages all over Italy (instructions on how to make one are on the association’s website) which is then sold for €20 by the association in various squares and other locations around the country in the run-up to Christmas. The money buys syringes and vaccinations against six deadly diseases, polio, diptheria, whooping cough, measles, tetanus and tuberculosis for a needy child in a poor country. The dolls’ makers then receive a letter saying that their “pigotta” has found a new home. In Rome you can find the doll in Piazza del Popolo (corner Via di Ripetta), at Via Torino 96 and from Fridays to Saturdays at the Ikea store in Anagnina.
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