Alternate number plate days return.
The alternate number plate rule for traffic in Romes green zone (most of the city within the Gran Raccordo Anulare (GRA)) returns on Thursdays from 19 January for ten weeks until 23 March. Cars with even-numbered plates are not allowed to drive in the zone on 19 January , 2 and 16 February and 2 and 16 March. Cars with odd-numbered plates get the no-go on 26 January, 9 and 16 February and 9 and 23 March. The rule is in place from 15.00 to 21.00 and aims to help limit pollution at a time of the year most at risk from smog. On the same days, all vehicles that do not have catalytic converters or run on eco-diesel are also banned from the green zone, and mopeds and motorcycles must not drive on the Euro zero routes 2, 3 and 4 in the Limited Traffic Zone (ZTL) of the centro storico. Vehicles which run on Gpl and methane gas, electricity or are classified as Euro4, may circulate freely on banned days irrespective of their number plate.
Three total traffic blocks on Sundays have been confirmed for 22 January, 12 February, and 19 March, the closure will include all of the green zone and will be from 10.00 - 18.00
For a map of the green zone see pages 118 and 119 of the 2005 edition of "Tutto Citt" (it comes with the telephone directories).
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