Amnesty on Rome traffic fines ends 17 May
17 May is the last day Rome residents can benefit from the amnesty on unpaid traffic fines received before 31 December 2004 by paying only the original amount owed and reduced collection fees. From 18 May the full amount of unpaid fines predating 2005 must be paid including the original fine plus the subsequent penalty charges for delayed payment.
Residents can check if they have a fine pending by clicking on the box titled Concordato multe elevate fino al 2004 on the right-hand side of the homepage of the city council website and typing in either a codice fiscale (tax code) or partita IVA (VAT) number.
The city council introduced the amnesty in late 2009 to compensate for its own inefficiency in notifying residents on penalty charges on unpaid fines. This meant that some people found themselves faced with a debt of hundreds or even thousands of euro that they were unable to pay.
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