Anglican Centre revamp.
Less than six years ago the Anglican Centre in Rome moved into sumptuous new premises in the south wing of Palazzo Doria Pamphilj. The interior was designed by Sally Thomas, a consultant from California, who has recently been back in Rome to improve the original plans with a larger chapel and a reading/seminar room. The Anglican Centre is waiting for price estimates before deciding if and when work can begin, and if a fundraising appeal will be necessary.
The centre is the office of the Anglican Communion in Rome and residence of the Archbishop of Canterburys representative to the Holy See, and houses an important library of books and documents on Anglicanism. It was first located in attic premises in the same building overlooking Via del Corso, but then outgrew the space, and it was decided to move the centre and strengthen its presence in Rome in time for the Holy Year 2000. It was opened at an impressive ceremony by George Carey, the then Archbishop of Canterbury, in Feb 1999, but the new premises have been beset with difficulties ever since.
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