Archbishop of Canterbury comes to Rome
The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd and Rt Hon. Rowan Williams, will be in Rome on 10 and 11 March to participate in the celebrations for the millennium of the Camaldoli Benedictine community at the Basilica di S. Gregorio al Celio.
It was from this church that Augustine was sent by Pope Gregory the Great to bring Christianity to England in the sixth century. A Benedictine monk, Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury in 597. He is considered the Apostle to the English and a founder of the English Church.
Solemn Vespers with Pope Benedict XVI and Dr Williams, at which both will preach, take place at the Basilica di S. Gregorio al Celio on 10 March, at 17.30. This is an invitation-only event however on 11 March the archbishop will preside over a liturgy and participate in a conference, both of which will be open to the public.
The newly-appointed rector of Rome
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