6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
Marymount - International School Rome

Beautiful priests

With no shortage of beautiful women on show in the Italian media, campaigners for equal rights may welcome the launch of a calendar full of beautiful men. But there is no flaunting of flesh within its pages and no saucy poses struck, because the subjects are all priests.

Calendario Romano 2004 is the work of Pierro Pazzi, 41, a Venetian expert on ancient documents and a passionate photographer. Shot in black and white, it features attractive young men of the cloth pictured amid the churches and monuments of Rome. The calendar also includes practical and historical information about the Vatican and is available from newsstands. For information tel. 347/3724217, e-mail: p.pazzi@libero.it, www.calendarioromano.org.

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