Bright ideas for the city
Romes city council is calling for ideas from citizens to improve the quality of life in the capital. The council is looking for project proposals to solve concrete problems in the city, rather than complaints or generic suggestions. Examples could include ways to improve a local park, a method of introducing recycling in your street, or of making your nearest crche user-friendlier. A commission will choose 25 projects, each of which will then be implemented by the council with a budget of about e15,000 per project; the amount of money will vary depending on the projects scope. Proposals can come from anyone living, working or studying in Rome, including foreigners. Suggestions should be filed with "Concorso idee in comune" office by Friday 30 April, and will be put into practice in 2005. Application forms are available from each municipio, as well as certain libraries and Banche del Tempo offices. Information and documents are available on For information tel. 060606.
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