Budget cuts threaten culture.
Disastrous consequences await Romes cultural landscape in 2006 if the Italian governments proposed budget cuts go ahead. Cultural events in Italy such as theatre performances, exhibitions and contemporary Italian cinema draw heavily upon the resources of the countrys Fondo unico dello Spettacolo (national cultural fund). The governments recent budget, however, proposes reducing the fund by 34 per cent from 464 million to 300 million. The cuts will hit the capital hard; for instance, Francesco Ernani of the Opera di Roma claims the operas proposed 8.6 million shortfall will force them to cancel the complete 2006 season. The effects threaten to damage not just the national cultural centres in Rome such as theatres and cinema studios but also to lead to the closure of libraries and museums in outlying areas of the city, and forestall restoration and renovation works scheduled for public monuments and buildings.
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