Building Romes new metro.
The Rome city councillor responsible for traffic, Mauro Calamante, has announced that work will begin on Romes new underground line C at the beginning of May. The underground, which will be one of the biggest construction projects in Italy, will cost almost 3 billion. Work will begin In Via Teana, between the Via Prenestina and the Via Casilina, where four giant drilling moles will work on the new tunnels, two in the direction of S. Giovanni and two towards Piazza Alessandrino near to the Via Palmiro Togliatti, in the Torre Spaccata area of the city. The first section of seven kilometres, from S. Giovanni to Piazza Alessandrino should be completed by 2010. There will be nine stations in the first section, S. Giovanni, Lodi, Pigneto, Malatesta, Teano, Gardenie, Mirti, Parco di Centocelle and Alessandrini. Once completed it will be possible to change from the underground line at Pineto at a new state railway station, where trains from Fiumicino airport, Naples and the Castelli Romani will stop on the way into central Rome.
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