Campo de' Fiori market sticks to fresh food tradition.
Four market traders have lost their case to sell clothes and trinkets in Campo de' Fiori after the Lazio regional administrative tribunal (TAR) rejected their plea against the decision made by the Rome city hall in 2003, which fixed a quota for commerce in the piazza: 27 stands selling food, 3 dealing in flowers and 8 in various goods. Some vendors, including the four who filed the plea, were supposed to either start selling food again or else move to another market. They may, however, take their case to a higher court.
The chairman of the Campo de' Fiori residents' association, Marco Calore, comments: "This is a hollow victory. The market will continue to be a bazaar for tourists. Recently, locals have been moving away, due to the deterioration of the area and nocturnal disturbances. They can't afford homes here anymore, and even if the stallholders do go back to selling fruit and vegetables, these goods are still aimed at the tourist market, they are out of our price range, so nothing would really change for the residents."
And, indeed, average prices in Campo de' Fiori compared to Testaccio market are currently
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