Car park get green light.
Parking in Rome is set to get easier with a new car park along the Lungotevere, close to Piazza del Popolo. Construction of the Arnaldo da Brescia car park is due to start in September, having received a green light from the city authorities on 30 July. Some 600 spaces will be provided, 250 earmarked for residents and 350 for short term parking. Fabrizio Panecaldo, Romes city parking chief, described the move as the first fruit of the mobility pact paving the way for mega car parks across the city. Beyond Arnaldo da Brescia, which will be underground between the Pietro Nenni and Margherita bridges, another large car park is planned for beneath Piazza Cavour. The latter would provide 280 parking spaces, mainly for residents, though problems are still to be resolved with the ministry for the cultural heritage and environmental conservation.
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