Central post office closes
The central post office in Piazza S. Silvestro closed mid-March for major modernisation work which is expected to take at least 18 months to complete.
Customers who hold savings or Bancoposta accounts will be served in the offices of the old international telephone exchange at Piazza S. Silvestro 20. Poste Italiane has predicted the work will be finished by autumn 2004.
To alleviate the inconvenience caused by the closure, a new post office has been opened in Piazza dei Caprettari, the old parcels office near the Pantheon, and the opening hours of the post office at Via della Scrofa 61/63 are now 08.30-18.30, Mon-Fri (Sat 08.30-13.00).
Other post offices in the centre are at Via Terme di Diocleziano 30 (Mon-Fri 08.30-18.30, Sat 08.30-13.00) and Via Arenula 4 (Mon-Fri 08.30-14.00, Sat 08.30-13.00).
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