Child-unfriendly Villa Pamphili.
With its 184 hectares of terraced Renaissance gardens, rolling pasture, sparsely wooded hilltops and verdant ravines, Villa Pamphili is the largest green space in the Italian capital. The vast park would seem the perfect location for young families to escape the noise, dirt and confusion of the citys congested streets. Far from it, according to a recent report in daily newspaper La Repubblica that paints a dire picture of the Villa Pamphilis facilities for small children. The only dedicated space is little bigger than an average-sized courtyard in a Roman apartment block and contains six see-saws (one of them broken), a slide too dangerous to use, a wooden climbing frame with several footholds missing and two unsafe skating ramps missing their supports. The newspaper also criticises the general lack of security there is no park warden and police patrols are infrequent as well as poor maintenance, a lack of basic facilities such as toilets and the absence of any bars or cafes.
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