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Christmas events in Rome's international community

The capital's international community is holding a number of events in the run-up to Christmas

29-30 Nov. The Swedish Church in Rome is hosting its annual Christmas Bazaar over the last weekend of November. Traditional food of the season, saffron buns, gingerbread biscuits and mulled wine (glögg) will be sold together with Christmas decorations. There are several stands offerings sweets and hot dogs for children, as well as a small flea market. Fri 29 Nov. 13.00-19.00, Sat 30 Nov. 11.00-19.00. Church of Sweden, Via A. Bertoloni 1E (Parioli).

30 Nov. The Austrian Cultural Forum on Viale Bruno Buozzi 113 is the venue for the traditional Christmas market organised by the Association of Austrians in Rome, on Saturday 30 November from 10.00-17.00. On offer is an array of typical Austrian handmade Christmas decorations and cuisine including cakes, goulash, sausages and coffee. Part of the proceeds are donated to charity.

6-8 Dec. The Joel Nafuma Refugee Center (JNRC) at the American Episcopal Church of Rome, St Paul’s within the Walls, is holding the JNRC Art Show Opening and Craft Sale, as well as guided tours of the church and its famous mosaics, on Friday 6 December, from 19.00-21.00. The sale includes gifts, Christmas decorations, hot drinks, bake sale and hand painted glassware, also runs on Sat 7 Dec, 10.00–17.00, and Sun 8 Dec, 10.00-14.00. See website for details.

6 Dec. The Irish Club of Rome hosts its annual Christmas dinner on Friday 6 December at 19.30 at Ristorante L'Archeologia, Via Appia Antica 139. The festive meal begins with a Prosecco aperitivo and is followed by mince pies, Christmas crackers, selection boxes and the singing of Christmas carols. The event is open to all but booking is essential as spaces are limited. For more information and to reserve email irishclubofrome@gmail.com or see the event's Facebook page.

10 Dec. The American International Club of Rome (AICR) holds its annual Christmas Cocktail Party on Tuesday 10 December at the Level club on Vicolo del Fico 3 in the heart of the centro storico. The space will be reserved exclusively for AICR and ticket price includes two cocktails and finger foods. Full details on AICR website

11 Dec. Memoirs, Memories & More is an evening of art, books, prizes, Christmas gifts and gourmet food, enlivened by local authors and artists at the SalaUno gallery, part of the Scala Santa complex, at Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni 10. The event takes place on Wednesday 11 December and guests are invited to come and go (or stay for the duration) from 19.00-22.00. A percentage of the raffle ticket proceeds will go to help the Sardinian people hit by the recent cyclone. SalaUno Art Gallery, tel. 067008691, RSVP trevor220@gmail.com or c.tondelli@alice.it.

11 Dec. For the fourth consecutive year the Swedish embassy brings S. Lucia and her choir to Rome to share one of their highest valued traditions with the Roman public. This year's choir from Nordiskt musikgymnasium (upper grade school of music) in Stockholm comprises 12 young music and song students who will perform some of the most well-known Swedish traditional Christmas songs, carols and hymns. S. Lucia and her attendants will enter Piazza di Pietra at 19.30 with candles, crowns of lingonberry garland in their hair while the audience enjoy tasting some Swedish Christmas treats such as glögg and ginger bread biscuits.

15 Dec. The community of the Pontifical Irish College holds its annual Advent Liturgy followed by Christmas carols at 17.00 on Sunday 15 December. Afterwards the occasion is made all the more festive with the provision of mulled wine and mince pies. Firmly established on Rome's expat Christmas calendar, this nostalgic event always draws a large crowd, so arrive early. Via dei SS. Quattro 1 (S. Giovanni).

See a guide to Christmas markets and bazaars in Rome and for religious events see the Wanted in Rome guide to Christmas religious services in English.

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