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A number of events are scheduled in Rome in the days around International Women's Day on 8 March. The traditional gift to women on the day in Italy is a sprig of the bright yellow mimosa flower. 6 March. The American...
To celebrate the end of Carnival on Marted
Temple ASAP
The ongoing story of the Piazza S. Silvestro restyling continues as workers remove large sections of recently-laid cobblestones. The
Rome's anti-alcohol measures have been extended until 17 March, after the previous ban expired on 16 December. The order prohibits the take-away sale of alcohol from bars and clubs from 23.00 until close of business,...
An initiative to rid Rome's streets of used chewing gum has been launched in the area around Largo di Torre Argentina in the city centre. A team from the refuse disposal company, AMA, has joined with voluntary associ...
Civil documents (stato civile) relating to birth, marriage or death are to become much quicker to obtain as of January, according to the city. The process has been digitised, reducing the current average wait to 72 hou...
The mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno turned on the lights of the 18m Christmas tree in Rome
On the feast of the Immaculate Conception on Thursday 8 December, Pope Benedict XVI pays homage to the Virgin Mary by making a pilgrimage to Piazza Mignanelli beside the Spanish Steps at 16.00. In an annual tradition dat...
Rome’s city council removed a giant white papier-mâché Christmas tree on 6 December, the day after putting it up in Piazza Venezia. Its removal followed widespread criticism of the city’s admi...
The international festive season in Rome begins with a number of events being organised for Thanksgiving on 24 November. Mass is celebrated at 10.30 at America
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Residents of Testaccio have submitted plans to the city for the transformation of the vacant area being left behind when the open air food market in Piazza Testaccio moves to nearby Via Galvani at the beginning of Januar...
19 steps belonging to Rome
City workmen removed some 1,500
Rome's anti-alcohol measures have been extended until 16 December, after the current ban expires on 30 September. The order prohibits the take-away sale of alcohol from bars and clubs from 23.00 until close of busines...
29 June is the feast of Rome
A number of strikes involving the public transport and refuse collection sectors are due to take place in Rome on Friday 6 May. The public transport strikes have been called by trades unions on behalf of workers from Ata...
Vezio, who died on 21 April, was the owner of our local bar when Wanted in Rome
The capital celebrates its 2,764th birthday on 21 April, based on the legendary foundation of Rome by Romulus in 753 BC, with a number of events being held in the city prior to the big day. Members of historical dram...
The American ambassador to Italy David Thorne, along with the mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno and the president of Lazio region Renata Polverini, worked side by side on the first weekend in April in an anti-graffiti operat...
The street made famous in the 1950s by Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack has hit the headlines with a very different kind of rat pack. Residents are alarmed at the daytime incidences of rats running along pavements and even...
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