Clean-up campaign
The city council is launching another campaign to clean up Rome and crack down on residents who don't respect the capital. From June a task force of 300 workers will patrol the streets, and half of them will have the power to fine citizens caught breaking the law.
Vandals caught damaging or defacing buildings and monuments will be charged up to 1,500 if they dont pay the fine within 60 days, though the current 500 fine applies if paid within the time limit. Dog owners who let their pets foul the streets face fines of up to 300 (100 if paid within 60 days). Plans to impose the same penalty for hanging one's washing out to dry in public appear unrealistic.
Meanwhile, the capital's mounting refuse problem is to be tackled with the introduction of 13,000 replacement rubbish containers. The new cassonetti are more roomy, easier to open and close, and will be tougher. Each container costs 560, they are insured for three years. All of the 26,000 cassonetti in Rome are scheduled to be replaced by the end of 2003, and 4,000 new containers added.
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