Competition to design official tourist map of Rome
Rome has launched a design competition for a map that will become the official reference-point for tourists during their stay. The map should pay particular attention to the city's monuments and green areas, and feature visiting information in English and Italian relating to Rome's sites and museums.
In addition to the usual tourist destinations, designers must include areas outside the historic centre of interest to visitors, namely: EUR for its conference facilities, Ostia for its coastline and the Ostia Antica archaeological site, Parioli/Flaminio for museums, and Appia Antica for its historic sites. The underground and urban railways must be indicated, the map must be easily accessible in terms of graphics and layout and all illustrations must be accurately placed.
The deadline for registration for the competition is 12.00 on 24 March 2011, Progetto Mappa ufficiale di Roma Capitale, Roma Capitale, Dipartimento Turismo, 2
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