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Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Marymount - International School Rome

Conte warns of Italy's 'riskiest weeks' in Coronavirus battle

Italian premier says it is time for sacrifices and responsibility.

Italy's prime minister Giuseppe Conte has said that the Coronavirus is the biggest emergency to face the country since world war two, appealing to Italians: "we cannot let our guard down."Conte, who made his remarks in an interview with Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, said that these are "decisive weeks" to win the battle against the virus, with scientists saying that the peak has not yet been reached.

The premier said that it was a time for "sacrifices, responsible choices" and that in order to win Italy needed the support of 60 million Italians, adding that he is "proud to lead this great community."
it is the most important challenge: to win we need 60 million Italians".

Conte underlined the message from scientists that these are the are the "most risky weeks and we need to take the maximum precautions."

The prime minister said that Italy would need to wait a few weeks to "verify the results of our decisions", adding that there was no need for additional prohibitions. He commended the country's mayors for closing city parks, and the work of the police in ensuring that no gatherings take place.Conte regretted that the ban on gatherings also applied to churches and also said that people in Milan should avoid making weekend trips to visit their families or homes in the south.

The premier's message came the day after Rome mayor called on everyone to respect the quarantine and to stay at home, defining those who flout the rules as "idiots".

Raggi's appeal followed remarks made by a delegation of Chinese medical experts, in Italy to help in the battle against the Coronavirus - who told Italian newspaper La Repubblica: "There are still too many people on the streets."

The number of people suffering from Coronavirus in Italy has now surpassed 20,000. There have been 1,809 fatalities while 2,335 people have recovered so far.

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Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
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Castelli H3 - 320 x 480
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