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Vatican reportedly suspends three other Swiss Guards until they get vaccinated. Three members of the Swiss Guard, the small army responsible for protecting the pope, have quit their prestigious posts for refusing to com...
New school desks had been commissioned for social distancing. Italy is recalling single-seat desks from schools - commissioned last year to facilitate social distancing - for not meeting fire safety regulations, reports...
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CTS gives green light to ease covid restrictions for cultural and sporting events in Italy. Italy's theatres, cinemas and stadiums could soon host more people, equipped with the Green Pass, under the latest recommendati...
Vatican to require vaccine passport or negative covid test. From 1 October people who enter the Vatican will be required to have the covid Green Pass, the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State announced on Monday...
Italy to give covid vaccine 'booster' to most fragile people first. Italy is to begin giving a third dose of the covid-19 vaccine from 20 September, starting with the most vulnerable people, such as cancer patients and...
Vaccination bookings up by 20 to 40 per cent since Italy unveiled new Green Pass rules. Bookings for covid vaccinations have surged in Italy since the government announced sweeping new Green Pass restrictions on Thursda...
Italy ushers in some of the strictest anti-covid measures in the world. The Italian government has brought in sweeping restrictions that will require all workers, in both the public and private sector, to have a Green P...
Italian government brings in sweeping Green Pass restrictions for 23 million workers. Italy has become the first country in Europe to make the covid Green Pass mandatory for all workers, in both the public and private s...
Critics say move is forced vaccination by the back door. Italy is set to require all workers in both the public and private sectors to have the covid Green Pass certificate, from mid-October, with a new decree expected...
Italy continues to push forward with Green Pass obligations in the workplace. Italy is moving closer to requiring all workers in both the public and private sectors to carry the covid Green Pass certificate, with premie...
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Italy's school teachers and parents required to have Green Pass. Almost four million children in 10 regions of Italy will return to school on Monday 13 September, with new covid Green Pass rules in place for teachers an...
Italy's Lazio region to give third jab to transplant patients. Lazio, the Italian region around Rome, is to start administering the third dose of the covid-19 vaccine in the coming days. "Lazio starts with the third...
Can I travel to Italy? What are the travel restrictions in Italy? Here are the answers to all your questions.  On Tuesday, 7 September, Italy's coronavirus emergency commissioner General Francesco Figliuolo announced th...
What are the latest entry requirements for American tourists travelling to Italy? The European Union recently dropped the United States from its safe travel list, however US travellers are still permitted to visit Italy...
Parents in Italy now required to show Green Pass to enter schools. The Italian government has approved a decree expanding the covid Green Pass rules for the country's schools as the new academic year is set to begin....
Italy to begin administering third dose of covid vaccination in September. Italy is to start giving a third dose of covid-19 vaccines later this month to people with the most fragile immune systems, such as cancer patie...
Italy is on track to meet its vaccination target by end of September. More than 80 per cent of the Italian population over the age of 12 has had at least one dose of the covid-19 vaccine, Italy's coronavirus emergency c...
Confindustria gives approval to extension of Green Pass but says state must pay for workers' covid tests. The scope of Italy's covid Green Pass "will soon be extended", the health minister Roberto Speranza said last nig...
3.7 million Italians over 50 still not vaccinated says Sileri. Compulsory covid vaccinations "must remain the last resort" - said Italy's deputy health minister Pierpaolo Sileri - "but in the meantime we will have to co...
Police in Rome detain Forza Nuova leader. Giuliano Castellino, leader of the neo-fascist Forza Nuova group and one of the driving forces behind Italy's 'No Green Pass' protests, was detained by police in Rome early on M...
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