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Marymount - International School Rome

Coronavirus: Italy enters Phase Two: all you need to know

New form required for going outside as Italy relaxes lockdown in Phase Two of the coronavirus emergency.

As Italy begins to relax its coronavirus lockdown on 4 May, easing certain restrictions in place nationwide since 10 March, the government has released a new version of the self-declaration form required when going outside.

The latest version of the form is now available on the website of the interior ministry and can be downloaded here.

However the previous version of the form can still be used by crossing out the sections that no longer apply. The interior ministry says that police will also have copies of the form which can be completed at the time of the check.

You will be allowed to travel within the Italian region in which you are currently living, however it is not permitted to travel to other regions unless it is of the utmost necessity, and then under strict conditions.

Anybody with "symptoms of respiratory infection" and a temperature higher than 37.5°C must remain at home and limit their social contacts as much as possible. 

Here we outline the main points regarding movement during Phase Two - more information can be found (in Italian) on the government website and in English on the health ministry website. For all updates specific to Rome see Roma Capitale website (in Italian).


There was confusion in recent days after premier Giuseppe Conte said Italians could visit their "congiunti",  an archaic Italian word that refers broadly to relatives, relations or kinsmen.

Conte's subsequent attempt to clarify the term by saying "relationships of steady affection" only raised more questions, leading the government to issue the following interpretation of congiunti:

"spouses, cohabiting partners, partners of civil unions, people who are linked by a stable emotional bond, as well as relatives up to the sixth degree (such as, for example, the children of your cousins) and relatives up to the fourth degree (such as, for example, your spouse's cousins)."

People "linked by stable emotional bonds" translates as girlfriends/boyfriends however the government has made clear that visiting friends is not allowed.

When visiting congiunti, social distancing and the wearing of masks is required, and the government underlines once again that "gatherings" of people are prohibited.

     Read also:

Can I go out for a walk?

You can leave your home only to go to work, for health reasons, for necessity (this now includes visiting congiunti in your region in addition to grocery shopping or going to the pharmacy/doctor), or to carry out sports or physical activities outdoors.

Sport and exercise

You may leave your home for sporting reasons so long as physical excerise is carried out individually, unless you exercise with a person you live with. From 4 May people may move beyond the vicinity of their homes to go jogging, maintaining an interpersonal space of at least two metres, or one metre if walking. It is permitted to reach your destination by public or private transport. 


Rome's parks, villas and public gardens will reopen gradually from 4 May. Walks are permitted, keeping a one-metre distance with others, or two metres if jogging. Minors and people who are not completely self-sufficient can walk with a carer or parent, respecting social distancing. Picnics, parties, group sporting activities or gatherings of any kind are strictly prohibited. Children's playgrounds remain closed.

      Read also:


In Rome and the Lazio region face masks must be worn in enclosed public spaces, including shops and on public transport. Masks should be worn on streets only when it is not possible to maintain a one-metre distance from others.


The opening hours of Rome's grocery shops and supermarkets are no longer restricted to the original lockdown timetable (08.30-19.00 on weekdays and 08.30-15.00 on Sundays). From 4 May supermarkets are permitted to revert to their previous opening hours and will be allowed to stay open until 21.30.

Bars and restaurants

Rome's bars and restaurants reopen for take-away on 4 May, in addition to the home delivery service they were permitted to carry out during Phase One of the lockdown. However the take-away service is bound by strict rules, see here.

Public transport

Rome's public transport network will be running until 23.30 each day from 4 May. The city says there will be increased transport however commuters should be aware that each bus, metro and tram will be operating at a 50 per cent reduction in capacity, in terms of seating/standing, which could lead to significant delays.


The use of bicycles is allowed to reach your place of work and shops but it is also permitted for exercise so long as you observe the prescribed interpersonal safety distance.


It remains forbidden to travel to Italian regions other than the one you are living in currently. For all queries regarding international travel see the ministry for foreign affairs.

Coronavirus in Italy

Italy enters Phase Two the day after recording 174 coronavirus fatalities over the previous 24 hours, the lowest daily death toll since the lockdown was imposed on 10 March.

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