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Covid-19: Italy's regions can vaccinate holidaymakers in 'exceptional cases'

Holidaymakers on extended vacations away from home will have option of getting second dose of covid-19 vaccine in Italy's regions but only in exceptional cases.

Health authorities in Italy's regions will be entitled to administer anti-covid vaccines to people on holidays or seasonal workers in special circumstances during this summer's holiday season.

The green light came from Italy's covid-19 commissioner, General Francesco Figliuolo, who said he was asked by regions for "more flexibility" to vaccinate holidaymakers or non-resident workers employed in the tourism-hospitality sector.

Figliuolo told Radio 24 that it would be possible in "exceptional cases" for people spending a significant period of time outside their region of residence to receive the second dose of their coronavirus vaccination in another region.

The commissioner said the number of doses allocated to each region would be adjusted accordingly and that measures have already been taken to allow for the exchange of data between regional health authorities.

Figliuolo also stated that more than 39.3 million doses of the vaccine have been administered in Italy to date, with about 26 million - almost 48 per cent - receiving the first dose.

For official information relating to the covid-19 situation in Italy - in English - see the health ministry website

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