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Easter celebrations in English

For addresses and telephone numbers see the on-line directory. For the Popes programme see www.vatican.va, consult the Vatican newspaper LOsservatore Romano or contact the Prefecture of the Pontifical Household, tel. 0669883114.

All Saints Anglican Church.

Thurs 8 April. Eucharist, washing of the feet, stripping of the altar, vigil, 21.00.

Fri 9 April. Three hours devotion: Stabat mater, Pergolesi, 15.00; stations of the cross, 16.00; Solemn Liturgy, 17.00.

Sat 10 April. Childrens Easter liturgy, 11.00.

Sun 11 April. Easter ceremonies followed by champagne breakfast, 04.30; Eucharist, 08.30; Sung Eucharist with procession and blessing of the Easter garden.

Ponte S. Angelo Methodist Church.

Sun 11 April. Holy Communion Easter service, 10.30.

Rome Baptist Church.

Thurs 8 April. Mass, 19.00.

Fri 9 April. Good Friday service, 19.00.

Sun 11 April. Sunrise service for Easter on the Pincio, 07.00; Easter service, 10.30.

St Andrews Presbyterian Church.

Thurs 8 April. Mass, 19.00.

Fri 9 April. Good Friday service, 19.00.

Sun 11 April. Holy Communion, Easter service, 11.00.

St Pauls within-the-walls (Anglican Episcopal).

Wed 7 April. Tenebrae, 19.30.

Thurs 8 April. Sung Eucharist, washing of the feet,

stripping of the altar, altar of repose, 19.30.

Fri 9 April. Stations of the cross, 12.00; Good Friday liturgy, 19.30; The Great Vigil, lighting of the new fire exultet, renewal of baptismal vows, first Eucharist of Easter, 20.00.

Sun 11 April. Eucharist, 08.30; Festival Sung Eucharist, 10.30.

S. Susanna Church (Roman Catholic).

Thurs 8 April. Mass, 18.00.

Fri 9 April. Good Friday service, 18.00.

Sun 11 April. Easter mass, 09.00 and 10.30.

S. Silvestro Church (Roman Catholic).

Thurs 8 April. Mass, 17.00.

Fri 9 April. Stations of the Cross, 15.00; Good Friday Passion Liturgy, 17.00.

Sat 10 April. Easter Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter, 20.00.

Sun 11 April. Easter Mass, 10.00.

St Patricks Church (Roman Catholic)

Tel. 064203121 for details.

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Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
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