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The mayor of Naples, Rosa Russo Iervolino, has announced that a site has been chosen for the city's first termovalorizzatore or thermocycling garbage incinerator. It will be built in Agnano, a northern suburb where ex-p...
New on tap detergent points will be inaugurated on 24 and 26 June in Lazio in the towns of Civitavecchia and Frosinone, following the success of the first
Temple ASAP
Three days of discussions and experiments on new ways towards economic, social, and environmental sustainability; after its success last year, Ecofest, the festival of the environment organised by the region of Lazio, is...
Sharks are disappearing from Italian waters, according to recent research published in scientific periodical Conservation Biology. Over the last 200 years, the number of sharks in the Mediterranean as a whole has dropped...
Winter has arrived in Cape Town and with it the start of what is commonly refereed to as the
The first eco-sustainable house in Rome was inaugurated on 10 June and is now open to visitors at its site near the Auditorium. The house is called
The Isola del Giglio has been named the best coastal resort in Italy in this year
Rome residents planning a weekend by the sea along the coasts of Campania, western Calabria or the Aeolian Islands may want to think twice, as hordes of the Pelagia noctiluca jellyfish have already taken up residence. Th...
Italian animal rights groups were up in arms after an Italian brown bear who wandered into Switzerland was shot dead this week. JJ3 had been living in the Swiss canton of Graubunden for the last year, but Swiss authoriti...
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Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
The national strike of rubbish collectors set for 7-9 April has been called off. The Federambiente, which represents most public sanitation workers throughout Italy, has now signed a new national contract. Work was as us...
Italian labour unions representing public sanitation workers have declared a national strike starting from early morning 7 April until 9 April at 04.30. Rome
The head of Rome city council
Palms and maritime pines in Italy, particularly in Tuscany and Lazio, are under attack from insects. Palms are suffering from a beetle-like insect called rhynchophorus ferrugineus, or red palm weevil, and a flying insect...
Families in Rome throw away an average of
The Sapienza University is organising a series of events for the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the student protest at the faculty of architecture in Valle Giulia from February 29 to 19 March. The student demonstr...
A series of free guided tours to Rome
One in six Italian households has domestic pets, according to an article in the Corriere della Sera. A two-page spread on 18 February on the boom of domestic animals concludes that while the numbers of pets are increasin...
Sunday 17 February is the second traffic-free Sunday of the year in Rome. From 09.00-17.00 vehicles will not be allowed to circulate in the
Rome has announced a new plan to tighten up on rubbish collection and to improve recycling. The large street containers for recycling glass, plastic and metal (blue) and paper (white) will be emptied every three days ins...
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