Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Marymount - International School Rome
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The 18th science and technology week (XVII Settimana della cultura scientifica e tecnologica) will take place from 19-25 March in National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcan...
The senate has unanimously approved a football
Acorn P H2 - 724 x 450
Luneur, the amusement park in Eur founded over 50 years ago, has undergone extensive renovations and is now once more open to the public. While old favourites such as the Ferris wheel remain, live shows and exhibitions...
Some 176,334 lampposts light up the streets of Rome, according to a report released by city water and electricity agency Acea on 6 March. Of these, 1,327 are found along the bridges and banks of the Tiber, 805 illuminat...
Bridge 9, the last of three condemned bridges of the suburban slum Laurentino 38 south of EUR, was pulled down 28 February in the latest phase of neighborhood renewal begun 10 May 2006 with the demolition of Bridge 10....
Cars with license plates ending in odd numbers will be banned from the city
Any time from now up to July, property owners in various areas of Rome may expect to receive a letter requesting revised estimates of property registry values (valori catastali). The initiative is at the core of the cit...
The Roman composer and conductor Ennio Morricone was awarded an honorary Oscar for his extraordinary contribution to the art of film music, during the 79th edition of the Academy Awards at Los Angeles. Born in 1928, Mor...
Participating cinemas in Lazio will offer reduced-price entry for films between 5 March and 5 April during the Cin Cin Cinema season, which is running for a third year. Going to see a film from Mondays to Thursdays will...
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Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
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The number of schoolchildren participating in Rome city council
The military aeronautical base of Vigna di Valle has recently been selected by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) as the international experimentation centre for the study of rain. Vigna di Valle is situated 30...
Rome police have announced that they may have discovered the cause of a mysterious bitter smelling cloud that has been appearing erratically across the city and upsetting Rome residents over the last week. The authoritie...
Italy is well below the target that it has set for rubbish and recycling, particularly in its southern regions. In 2005 Italians generated 31.7 million tonnes of waste, 1.6 million more than in 2003. While the governm...
Cars with license plates ending in odd numbers will be banned from the city
There are now between 500
Cars with license plates ending in even numbers will be banned from the city
Switch off your lights for five minutes on Thursday 1 February between 19.55 and 20.00 if you are concerned with energy wastage and global warning. The campaign is being organized by the French environment group
Cars with license plates ending in even numbers will be banned from the city
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