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6 Nations 25
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The French bank BNP Paribas moved nearer to taking over Italys Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) when its bid was approved on 21 March by the central Bank of Italy. The decision by the BOI was taken based on information t...
The Bank of Italy has published a spring bulletin which paints a gloomy picture of the state of the Italian economy. The number of people in full time work has fallen for the first time in ten years by 0.4 per cent; alth...
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To mark the third anniversary of the beginning of the war in Iraq a peace march is due to take place in the centre of Rome on Saturday 18 March. It will start at the Piazza Esedra at 14.30 and will follow a route which...
Every year the Italian government issues regulations called "the decreto flussi" which specify the number of permits that will be offered to long and short time foreign workers from outside the European Union, who have b...
Cinema Farnese in Campo de Fiori has reopened after 22 months restoration and remodernisation. It now holds 300 people The cinema will screen films in original language and time is being set aside in the mornings for sc...
On Thursday 16 March only vehicles with licence plates ending in an odd number will be permitted to circulate in Romes "fascia verde the green zone. The restriction will be in force from 15.0021.00. 16 March will be the...
The universities of La Sapienza, Tor Vergata and Roma Tre will open to the public on 21 March from 20.30 into the early hours of the morning for a night of lessons, shows and concerts. Professors at the universities acro...
A car sharing system which is on trial in the III municipality in Rome, around the area of the Piazza Bologna,is proving so popular that plans are being made to introduce a similar system in the historic centre of the c...
The Unites States Academy of Science has published new findings by a group of vulcanologists, including two from the Vesuvius Observatory, which show that a major eruption of Vesuvius near Naples could be more devastatin...
Cinemas in Rome will offer reduced-price entry for films between 13 March and 13 April during the Cin Cin Cinema season, which is running for a second year. Going to see a film will cost3 Mondays-Thursdays before 18.00,...
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On Thursday 9 March only vehicles with licence plates ending in an even number will be permitted to circulate in Romes "fascia verde the green zone. The restriction will be in force from 15.0021.00. 2 March will be the e...
Gas and electricity bills are set to rise again from 1 April following two years of constant increases. The cost of electricity will go up 2.1 per cent compared to the first quarter of 2006 and the price of methane gas w...
The European Dive Show, annual fair for underwater sports, will run from 10-13 March in Genoa and, if the success of last years event is repeated, there will be more than 50,000 visitors. Italy is world leader in the pro...
Radio bulletins have begun at the 49 metro stations across Rome broadcasting up-to-date city news and information. The aim of Gr Multilingue as the service is known, is to help tourists and foreign residents, as well as...
The British Embassy in Rome is reminding British passport holders to make sure that photos supplied with their passport applications meet the new international requirements announced last summer. The embassy will be unab...
The completion of the MAXXI Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo in Via Guido Reni is under threat after government funding cuts of 10 million. Designed by Anglo-Iranian architect Zaha Hadid, the MAXXI was due to be...
Entry to part of the Capitoline Museums is free on each Sunday until the end of May (except for Easter Sunday). Entry includes a visit to the Palazzo Senatorio to see the rooms where the city council meets and into the r...
There are currently 59,523 (2,804 women and 56,719 men) people in Italian prisons but only enough room for 43,000. This is according to a report announced by the Italian department for penitentiary administration during...
The countdown to the ninth winter Paralympic games was set to begin on 1 March at 18.30 with a double flame lighting ceremony at the Colosseum in Rome and the Piazza della Repubblica in Turin. The lighting of the torch i...
A new 5 km railway line and six new stations between Rome and Pantano, to the south-east of the city, were inaugurated on 1 March. Work began on the 135 million section, an extension of line C of the metropolitana, in 19...
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