Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
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Representatives from Athens, Barcelona, Berlin, London and Paris are due to convene in Rome for a public debate about the quality of air and eco-friendly transport in urban centres. Laria delle capitali. Roma incontra lE...
Cats in Lazio are not a threat to humans in the current avian flu outbreak, regional authorities have stressed. The reassurance was issued after a cat was found to have died of the H5N1 virus on the German island of Rueg...
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On Thursday 2 March only vehicles with licence plates ending in an odd number will be permitted to circulate in Romes "fascia verde the green zone. The restriction will be in force from 15.0021.00. 2 March will be the se...
The Auditorium Parco della Musica has announced a 4x40 initiative for its concerts from March to May. Spectators pay a total of 40 for four shows from a selected list, including pop-rock, jazz and world music events as w...
The casualty department of Ospedale S. Andrea in Via Grottarossa, close to the Via Cassia bis exit on the Gran Raccordo Anulare, will become fully functional from 27 February, according to the regional health authority....
The appearance of two big boats on the Tiber, one with eight residential suites and the other with three decks, resembling a Mississippi steamboat, has drawn the attention of the city council to the need for a proper pla...
Rome currently leads Italian cities in paper recycling, according to the city administration. In 2005, 36 kg of paper were recycled per person a total of 177,150 tonnes, and a 60 per cent increase on the figures from 20...
Since the terrorist bomb attacks in London in July 2005, the prefect of Rome, Achille Serra, and the mayor of Rome, Walter Veltroni, have been preparing a guide in case of similar attacks in Rome. The guide will be prese...
On Thursday 23 February only vehicles with licence plates ending in an even number will be permitted to circulate in Romes "fascia verde the green zone. The restriction will be in force from 15.0021.00. 23 February will...
A new register called Res (Romani e solidali) has been launched to create greater community links by matching up free resources with the needs of people living in Rome. The idea is for both individuals and businesses to...
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
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The Italian supreme court has ruled that the rape of someone who is already sexually active is not as serious a crime as the rape of a virgin. In 2001 a lower court sentenced a 41-year-old drug addict to prison for th...
Caravaggios The Madonna of the Pilgrims, one of the artists most famous paintings has been damaged while on loan to an exhibition in Milan Caravaggio and Europe. When the painting was returned to its home, the church of...
The Palatine hill, one of the most visited archaeological sites in Rome has undergone a thorough checkup to ascertain the state of all of its buildings and the results show that many of them are close to collapse and lar...
As the spread of birds infected with the avian flu virus continues throughout Europe, Italians are being asked to report any dead or ill birds that they find to their local health authorities or to the fire brigade. In R...
A ban on domestic and commercial wood-burning fires in the highly populated areas of Milan, Brescia, Bergamo and Como came into force on 13 February. So far this year in these areas the levels of Pm10, the fine dangerous...
Sunday 12 February is the second a traffic-free Sunday in Rome of the year. All cars and motorcycles will be banned from the green zone (zona verde) of the city, most of the area within the Gran Raccordo Anulare (the mai...
A 14 km stretch of triple carriageway on Romes traffic-packed ring road, the Gran Raccordo Anulare (GRA) between Via Aurelia and Via Cassia, was officially opened at the beginning of February. Now only four km remains f...
The official opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Turin, in which 2,500 athletes from 85 countries are participating in 15 different sports, kicked off on 10 February amid high security, and controversy about drug...
The Metropolitan Museum in New York has agreed to return to Italy some of the greatest classical treasures in its collection. It has been proved that the pieces were sold illegally to the museum in the 1970s and 1980s, a...
The lay Catholic movement, the Comunit di S. Egidio, which provides care and food for more than 4,000 homeless in Rome among its many missions, has just published a report on the winter living conditions of the elderly w...
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