Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
6 Nations 2025

European Day of Jewish Culture.

Almost 25 countries around Europe will take part in the annual European Day of Jewish Culture on Sunday 5 September. A wealth of exhibitions, conventions and guided tours have been organised with an "open door" policy in synagogues to help people discover the cultural and historical heritage of Judaism. This year the chosen theme is "Judaism and Education". In Rome the day will include a visit to the synagogue on the Lungotevere De' Cenci where it will also be possible to see the exhibition celebrating 100 years of the synagogue, opened in 1904. All events are free.

For more information on events organised by the Jewish Cultural Centre of Rome, tel. 065897589. For a list of events Europe-wide see, www.jewisheritage.org.

Temple ASAP
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Marymount - International School Rome
6 Nations 25