6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
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European Festival of Music in Rome

Three American university choirs will sing in the church of S. Maria Sopra Minerva in the historic centre of Rome on 20 June as part of the European Festival of Music.

The Loyola Marymount University Choir, the St Ignatius College Chamber singers and the Monte Vista Chamber Choir will sing a programme of classical and sacred music, as well as music by contemporary American composers and spirituals. The concert starts at 20.30.

The European Festival of Music is the following day, 21 June, to coincide with the summer solstice. It first started in France in 1982 and is now celebrated in many parts of the world.

In Rome the festival runs from 19-21 June with numeorus concerts, from classical music to jazz, in almost all the city's museums, many of the churches in the historic centre and in several foreign cultural academies. For details see www.festaeuropeadellamusica.com

General Info

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