6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
AuR Summer 24 700 x 180

Farm festival at Rome's Circus Maximus

Rome festival will include rare farm animals and regional cuisine.

The Villaggio contadino della Coldiretti festival will showcase the work, traditions, machinery and food produce of thousands of farmers from across Italy at Rome's Circus Maximus over the weekend of 5-7 October.
Hosted by Italian agricultural association Coldiretti, the family-friendly event will feature farm animals including rare breeds such as the long-horned Valdostana goat and the Sicilian red-faced Comisana sheep, as well as endangered breeds of farm geese, ducks, rabbits and chickens indigenous to Italy.
The 80,000-sqm space will also showcase "100 per cent Italian" food at €5 a plate, with so-called agrichefs on hand to give culinary demonstrations, highlighting near-forgotten recipes and cooking techniques from the various Italian regions.
Part of the three-day event will be dedicated to the 0-km farmers' market Campagna Amica, which takes place each weekend on nearby Via di S. Teodora, and organisers say there will entertainment for children at the festival which is free. For full details see website.
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6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
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