Fiumicino opens high security terminal.
As of 3 May, passengers at Fiumicino airport embarking for flights to the United States and Israel will check in at the newly unveiled check-in area, called terminal 5. A remote structure 800 m from the main check-in area, terminal 5 is accessible from the rest of the airport via shuttle bus. After checking in at terminal 5 and undergoing security screening, passengers will be transported to the terminal C departure lounge by another shuttle bus.
The new terminal is intended to reduce congestion at security checkpoints, exacerbated by the rigid security protocols adopted by the United States government for destinations in the USA following the 11 September terrorist attacks.
After inspecting terminal 5, United Sates undersecretary of transportation John R. Byerly told reporters that he was very satisfied with the increased level of security and convenience the new structure would offer to US-bound travelers.
For more information, tel. Aeroporti di Roma help desk 06659527318.
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