Football league without a president.
The presidents of the 42 series A and B Italian football clubs failed to elect a new president for the Italian football league when elections were held in Milan on 5 Nov. It had been expected that Adriano Galliano, acting vice-president of Milan football club, (owned by Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi) and current president of the football league would be re-elected to the four-year post. This was until Diego Della Valle, successful businessman, owner of Tods, the luxury leather ware producers, and major shareholder and president of the Fiorentina football club, divided the voters by suggesting that the time was right for a more impartial president, who would be capable of sorting out the serious problems facing the top Italian football clubs, from refereeing to finance.
Three successive votes were held and each time 21 votes went to Galliano and 21 votes were left blank. Under the statute of the football league the presidential candidate requires 32 of the 42 votes to be elected. After three votes had been taken the election was called off and a cooling off period declared until the league club presidents meet again on 28 Nov. In the meantime Signor Galliano continues as acting president.
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