Foreign babies in Rome.
Foreign babies in Rome.
One in ten babies born in Rome have foreign parents, according to a study by La Sapienza University commissioned by city authorities. Around 2,600 babies of the 26,000 born in the capital in 2004 have foreign mothers and fathers, while a further 1,200 have one foreign and one Italian parent. The number of babies born in Rome to at least one foreign parent is expected to grow to between 4,200 and 6,400 over the next 15 years, meaning that by 2020 one in four babies could have a foreign parent. Of the babies with parents of foreign origin born in Rome in 2004, 68 per cent were born to parents who are both not Italian, while 25 per cent had a foreign mother and an Italian father and 7 per cent had a foreign father and an Italian mother. The study also revealed that Romes birth rate in 2004 was the highest since 1983.
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