Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Temple ASAP

Foreign cultural academies and institutes.

l Violinist Wolfgang David will perform a concert entitled Le tracce austriache di Bach at the Forum Austriaco di Cultura a Roma on 9 March at 20.00. A former child prodigy who was admitted to the Musikhochschule in Vienna at the age of eight, David will perform violin solos composed not just by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) but also by Erwin Schulhoff (1894-1942), who studied in Vienna, and by Austrian composer Egon Wellesz (1885-1974).

Forum Austriaco di Cultura a Roma, Viale B. Buozzi 113, tel. 063608371,

l Together with the Casa di Goethe, the Forum Austriaco di Cultura a Roma has organised an exhibition of works from the collection of the Academy of Figurative Arts in Vienna entitled Alla ricerca dellinfinito. The exhibition features drawings and watercolours by German and Austrian artists of the Romantic movement of the 19th century, including portraits, allegories and landscapes. Among the highlights are Julius Schnorr von Carolsfelds 1820 Rmische Portrtbuch (Roman Portraits), whose subjects include some of the leading intellectuals in Rome at the time; two watercolour landscapes by Joseph Anton Koch; and the religious drawings of Joseph Frich.

Alla ricerca dellinfinto features some 80 works by 23 German and Austrian artists, many of whom lived and worked in Italy, divided into landscapes, portraits, religious scenes and those with subjects taken from literature or folklore. It can be seen at the Casa di Goethe 18 March-12 June, Tues-Sun 10.00-18.00.

Casa di Goethe, Via del Corso 18, tel. 0632650412,

l A series of events entitled Tracks, focusing on UK Sound Culture from past to present, begins at the British School at Rome with a meeting with Chris Watson on 31 March. A founding member of innovative synth-pop group Cabaret Voltaire in the late 1970s, Watson has more recently dedicated himself to field recordings, in which he investigates the acoustic properties of special locations and how the essence contained within them can be captured and reproduced. Made in remote spots such as the depths of a forest, with the aim of sharing the experience of listening to the atmosphere, some of these field recordings will be aired at the British School from 21.00.

British School at Rome, Via A. Gramsci 61, tel. 063264939,

l Malaysian-born artist H.H. Lim, whose work features reversed words, random lettering and wry titles, will lecture on his art at Temple University Rome on 16 March. Lim, who studied at the Accademia delle Belle Arti in Rome and has lived in the city ever since, uses painting, sculpture, video, installation and performance to create a kind of diary of daily experiences linked to an acute historical and cultural consciousness. His lecture will begin at 15.00 and will feature slides and videos.

Temple University Rome will also be the venue for a preview of the film Sulla mia pelle followed by an audience with director Valerio Jalongo on 31 March. The film is a fictional account of the Naples-based criminal organisation the Camorra and the problems of the Italian judicial system, focusing on the prisoner work-release programme which attempts to re-educate offenders and reintegrate them in society. Set in southern Italy, the film stars Donatella Finocchiaro and Ivan Franek and is scheduled for official release later in the spring. Sulla mia pelle will be screened at 18.00 and Jalongo, who taught a course in creative writing to inmates of the Rebibbia prison in Rome for two years, will speak at 19.30.

Temple University Rome, Lungotevere Arnaldo da Brescia 15, tel. 063202808.

l Artist Ikuyo Toba, whose work expresses her deep love of nature and seeks a harmony between east and west, is the subject of an exhibition at the Japan Foundation. Toba, who was born in Tokyo but has lived in Italy since 1959, crosses the boundary between abstract and figurative art, focusing on light, movement and space in her traditional Sumie watercolours, oil paintings and decorated screens. Vento dellEst, fiori dellOvest runs until 25 March, Mon-Fri 09.00-12.30 and 14.00-18.30, Wed until 17.30.

The Japan Foundation has also organised an evening of Kabuki dance on 21 March. Masanosuke Gojo and Kyozo Nakamura, assisted by Kichiyusuke Wakayagi, will give a brief demonstration of the techniques used in Kabuki, a form of theatre that dates back some 400 years and is best known for its stylised drama and the elaborate make-up worn by performers. The demonstration will be followed by performances of Shinshi no rangyoku, featuring a suggestive dance by a lion, and Bungo Dojoji, the story of a demon who falls victim to an impossible love. Danza Kabuki: Teoria e gesti tra presente e futuro will be performed at the Auditorium-Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin 30, at 21.00. For more information tel. 063224754.

Japan Foundation, Via A. Gramsci 74, tel. 063224794-54,

l Artist Maria Domp will create a one-night-only installation entitled Tibet for Freedom on the faade of the American Academy on 21 March. A symbolic gesture of a united refusal of violence, Tibet for Freedom will be visible on the McKim, Mead & White building otherwise known as the American Academy building from 18.00 and will be accompanied by a live musical performance.

Domp, who studied in Rome under sculptors Pericle Fazzini and Emilio Greco, creates large, outdoor projects which interact with nature and architecture and are often site-specific reactions to social events. Previous works have included Fermateli (Stop them, 1994), in which the courtyard of a public library in Arezzo was covered with broken rocks and tombstones in a protest against war; and the 1997 Dont Forget Mururoa, in a room at the Universit La Sapienza, a recreation of the atoll that was devastated by nuclear testing, featuring the scent of lemons and chanting of om.

For more information about Tibet for Freedom, tel. 065846459.

American Academy in Rome, Via A. Masina 5, tel. 0658461,

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