Rome E-Prix 2023 moves to summer slot.
Formula E returns to Rome on 15-16 July 2023 with drivers battling it out in battery-powered cars on the streets of the city's southern EUR district.
This will be the fifth time for Rome to welcome the world’s fastest electric car race, which the city normally hosts in April, after the inaugural FIA Formula E World Championship in 2018.

The 2023 race route is the same as last year, with the start line at Largo Parri, taking in local landmarks such as Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana (Square Colosseum) and Palazzo dei Congressi.
Sabato e domenica #RomeEPrix2023
via Cristoforo Colombo: chiusa dalle 20.30 di domani alle 5.30 di lunedì 17/07, resterà chiusa al traffico, in zona Eur.
Consulta le modifiche alla viabilità e le deviazioni bus:— Roma Mobilità (@romamobilita) July 12, 2023
The racing event will lead to numerous road closures, traffic diversions and parking restrictions in EUR in the weeks leading up to the event (full details on Roma Mobilitá website).
For full details about the race, including tickets, see Formula E website. Cover photo ANSA