Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
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Palaces and castles open their doors in Lazio region around Rome

84 historic sites in Lazio region open to visitors this weekend.

The Lazio region around Rome opens the doors of historic private homes and important cultural sites that are normally closed to the public on the weekend of 2-3 December.

The sites are part of the Lazio region's Dimore storiche network of castles, monasteries, churches, convents, palaces, parks and villas.

The 84 sites, most of which are usually difficult to visit, include Palazzo Barberini in Palestrina, Villa Sforza Cesarini in Lanuvio, the Casa Gotica in Tivoli and Castello Colonna in Genazzano.

Other sites on the list include Palazzo Chigi in Formello, Castello Orsini in Cerveteri, Palazzo Crescenzio in Mentana, Palazzo del Drago in Bolsena and Villa D'Este in Tivoli.

The free visits are organised by the Lazio region in collaboration with Lazio Innova and the Associazione Dimore storiche italiane.

Full visiting information will be published soon on the Regione Lazio website.

Cover image: Villa D'Este in Tivoli. Photo credit: Sean Pavone /

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