Free water for the metro B line.
With the summer heating up towards the end of July, volunteers with the city civil protection service have begun handing out free bottles of water at metro B stations Termini and Piramide. Trains on the metro B line are not air conditioned which can make for stifling temperatures when the weather gets hot. Director of the city civil protection service, Aldo Aldi, estimated that during two of the hottest days this summer, 23 and 24 July, volunteers handed out over 20,000 bottles of water.
Free refreshment for commuters is among measures taken by the city to help residents weather the heat. Others include a free hotline for the elderly (tel. 800 147741) providing information and assistance on how best to stay cool. The city says the hotline received over 450 calls during the first ten days of July, during which temperatures rose into the mid to upper 30s.
Another scheme involves discounted trips to summer oases along the seaside and at spa resorts and water parks near Rome. For more information see Summer fun for senior citizens.
After a brief respite mid-July, temperatures climbed back into the mid 30s later in the month where they are expected to remain at least until early August.
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