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The National Archives in the United Kingdom has launched an appeal for anyone with knowledge or memories of the world war two prisoner of war camp in Kew, Surrey, to come forward and share their story. The appeal is par...
From 28 June to 15 July people from the Schengen area countries travelling to Italy will need to produce a valid identity document on entry. Italy is suspending freedom of travel from the 24 other Schengen countries for...
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2 June marks the 63rd anniversary of the Italian Republic, a public holiday during which most shops and offices will be closed. The capital marks the holiday with a military parade in Via dei Fori Imperiali between 10....
Labour Day on 1 May falls on Friday this year for a three-day weekend. Many shops and public offices will be closed for the holiday, which is also liable to create heavy traffic on the motorways. Labour day will be cele...
Wanted in Rome invites readers to visit our online photo gallery at Flickr.com. The gallery contains images relative to the news stories and features on our website. The gallery is open to submissions, so if you have a...
Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, will be in Italy between 26-30 April as part of an official tour which will include a visit to the Holy See. Accompanied by his consort Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, the visit aim...
Originally held to commemorate members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey in world war one, ANZAC Day on 25 April is now a day when these two countries pay tribute to a...
To mark International Women
Disturbing figures emerge from the latest Eurispes-Telefono Azzurro report on bullying amongst school children, with a quarter of youngsters declaring themselves to have been victims of intimidation, according to the sur...
In preparation for their prime time documentary "New Homes from Hell: Buying Abroad", ITV television network is seeking British expatriates who have had singularly negative experiences buying homes abroad. ITV says that...
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Childhood in Italy is changing with the times, according to the Italian national statistics agency ISTAT, which have just released its 2008 report on the daily lives of Italy
Wanted in Rome would like to thank anyone who has written in recently informing us about irregular replies to their classified advertising. These take the form of
Some of the annual festive bazaars are taking place earlier than ever this year. Welcome Neighbor kicks off the season on 24 Nov at 10.00. Its annual bazaar is in aid of the Casa di Kim children
According to Italian daily La Repubblica, there are more lifts in Italy than any other country in the world. The Italian national association of eletronic and mechanic firms, ANIE, confirms that that Italy counts over 85...
Italy celebrates All Saints Day, or Ognissanti, on 1 November with a public holiday. Although this year it falls on a Saturday, thereby impacting fewer people, it does mean that public transport will run according to the...
The single largest jackpot in Italian history will go up for grabs in the 18 October draw of the superenalotto, the Italian national lottery. So far, the grand prize stands at
Labour unions CUB (Confedarazione Unitaria di Base), COBAS (Confederazione dei comitati di base) and SdL (Sindacato dei Lavorati Intercategoriale) have declared a general strike Friday 17 October which will mainly affect...
The first new bridge over the Grand Canal in Venice for 70 years will not be inaugurated by the Italian president as originally planned because of criticism from the city
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia