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AUR 1920 x 116
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It will eventually be the first new bridge over the Grand Canal in Venice for more than 150 years. Designed by the famous Spanish architect, Santiago Calatrava, who has already created bridges for London, Buenos Aires an...
A small sprint to St peters while learning the history of Berninis colonnade? A stretch on Piazza di Spagna while learning the secrets of the Barcaccia fountain? A jog along Via dei Fori Imperiali surrounded by two thous...
Smiling H2 - 724x450
More than 13 million Italians live in condominiums, and in each one of these, of which there are more than 830,000, the various owners hold regular meetings, usually presided over by the building administrator. Such meet...
Lazios regional government has released funds to the Rome city council to improve housing and living conditions in some of the most under-privileged areas of the city. The money will be spent on providing economical hous...
In an international operation Rome police have arrested a suspect wanted by London police in connection with the failed bombings on the London underground on 21 July. Osman Hussain was traced to an apartment in the Casil...
The rest of Italy may be suffering from high unemployment but the capital is proving to be the exception. According to the city council statistics office, employment among the Roman working age population, 15 to 64 year...
In the wake of the London bombings, senior city officials met in Rome last Saturday to hammer out new security measures for the citys transport network. Romes mayor Walter Veltroni discussed options with transport leader...
Every summer the Isola Tiberina, the island in the river Tiber where it passes through Romes historic centre, becomes a focal point of the citys seasonal arts and entertainment programme with the annual Isola del cinema...
The city of Rome owns some of the greatest archaeological treasures in the world and the most important collections are housed in the museum complex on the Capitoline hill. One collection, the epitaphs, which has not bee...
Fatal traffic accidents in Italy have dropped by 9.7 per cent since the introduction of the driving licence points system in 2003. However, the number of drivers caught driving while under the influence of alcohol or dru...
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Italy has been threatened with terrorist attacks on several occasions, the latest warning coming soon after the bombings in London. But Italians have already been feeling the brunt of terrorism abroad. One Italian woman...
Giant locusts are now causing damage and anxiety in parts of northern Italy. In the summer of 2004 swarms of these insects arrived in the southern regions of Puglia, Basilicata and Reggio Emilia where they are still caus...
There are 18 times more suicides in Italian prisons than in the rest of the country, with one Italian prisoner committing suicide every 5 days. Most suicides are among newly imprisoned men between the age of 25 and 34 wh...
Now in its sixth month, a car-sharing experiment run by the Rome city council is slowly but surely gathering steam. Some 200 registered car sharers, of whom about half are frequent users, in Romes third municipio (boroug...
Italian wedding clothes stylists are looking abroad to fill their order books because of the constant fall in the number of Italians getting married. From almost 400,000 weddings in Italy in 1971, the numbers of couples...
New security measures have been rolled out to protect key monuments in Rome in the wake of recent terrorist threats. Police have been put on high alert around the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Campidoglio, Trevi Fountain and P...
Devotees of Dan Browns book "Angels and Demons" should hasten to the Castel S. Angelo where a summer evening festival called Sulle Terrazze di Castel S. Angelo is taking place. The festival is a mixture of different perf...
An advertisement will soon be running on Italian state television to advise elderly people about the dangers of swindlers who often take advantage of the summer months when the elderly are at home alone. The film, using...
Cobblestones are to be removed from some of Romes main streets. The embankments along the Tiber and some of the roads going into Piazza Venezia, such as Via delle Botteghe Oscure, will be resurfaced with special sound-ab...
Some 26 per cent of web searches performed by the 20 million Italians online are about health and well-being, says a new survey from Italian biomedical research group Censis-Forum. The findings were based on a study of 1...
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