Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
AuR Summer 24 700 x 180
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Thursday 20 January vehicles with licence plates ending in an odd number will not be able circulate in the fascia verde in Rome. This is the second Thursday when private traffic on the city roads in the "green zone", wil...
Closure of museums and archaeological sites, including the Colosseum, the Forum, the Baths of Caracalla, Palazzo Massimo and the Baths of Diocletian, is threatened on Thursday morning 20 January, while employees of the m...
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When a new law on assisted reproduction for infertile couples passed through the Italian parliament in February 2004 it was fiercely opposed by left-wing politicians for being illiberal and anti- feminist. In the hope of...
Rome has a new superintendent for archaeology. After 28 years in this prestigious and often difficult position at the ministry of culture and fine arts, Adriano La Regina has been replaced by his colleague Angelo Bottini...
The new term at Cinecitt Campus in Rome, starts on 17 January. This academy for young people who aspire to work in show business has created considerable interest in the six months that it has been open, according to its...
At the opening of the judicial year Italy's chief prosecutor, Francesco Favera, stated that 81 per cent of all reported crimes had gone unpunished in the first half of 2004. He also announced that there are currently nin...
Romes mayor, Walter Veltroni, has put the city councils information switchboard at the disposal of several organisations who arrange adoption at a distance, a system whereby individuals or groups can commit themselves...
Now that smoking has been banned from restaurants and bars, Italy has become one of the most radical of the European Union countries, in terms of no smoking. Only Italy and Ireland do not allow smoking in all public plac...
Romes school children, teaching and non-teaching staff have been asked to contribute at least 1 a head to build at least four schools in the tsunami-devastated areas around the Indian Ocean. The citys mayor, Walter Veltr...
The entrance to Trajans Markets in Rome, normally in Via IV Novembre will be moved to Trajans Column off Piazza Venezia for the whole of January while maintenance is carried out on part of the complex. The public will on...
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From 10 January the A line of the underground, which runs from Agnanina to the south east of the city through the centre and on to Battistini beyond the Vatican to the north west, will close every evening at 21.00, for t...
From Thursday 13 January, and on every succesive Thursday for 12 weeks, private traffic on the city roads within the GRA, the city ring road, will be restricted according to number plate as a way of cutting down smog in...
The winter sales start officially in Rome on 8 January, but anyone walking around the city shopping centres would think that they had already begun. There are special reductions and offers in almost all shops. The city c...
From 10 January it will be illegal to smoke in public places in Italy. Restaurants and bars will only be allowed to let customers smoke in specifically defined, enclosed areas, with strictly controlled ventilation system...
When the devastating tsunami hit south east Asia on 26 December the Italian department of civil protection, trained to react quickly in case of earthquake and tidal waves, was able to send emergency teams to the worst hi...
The Italian minister for Foreign affairs Gianfranco Fini, has announced that the Italian government intends to cancel the foreign debt owed to Italy by some of the disaster-struck countries around the Indian Ocean; $9,...
In Italy, New Years Eve celebrations include setting off fireworks at midnight, and every year hundreds of people need hospital treatment for burns and other injuries as a result. The production and sale of fireworks is...
On 1 January new legislation comes into force in Italy to make the ski slopes safer. Children up to 14 years old will be obliged to wear a crash helmet while on the slopes and anyone caught ski-ing or snowboarding danger...
On New Years Eve in Rome there will be something for all the family. The theme is The city in flight and in three central squares there will be performances by 130 acrobats, jugglers, magicians and trapeze artists. The...
Italian pediatricians have expressed alarm over the numbers of prescription drugs given to children under the age of 14. Research conducted in 24 health departments in 6 regions of the country, covering almost a million...
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