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If the majority in the Italian chamber of deputies has its way Rome will not receive the extra capital funding that it has requested, to pay for special projects such as improvements to the public transport infrastructur...
Italy is clamping down on absenteeism from work, as has been demonstrated recently by the case of three women teachers from a school near to Naples. Every year for seven consecutive years from 1991-1997, the three went t...
Marymount - International School Rome
After a legal battle, lasting for ten years, the customers seem to have won a case against Italian banks over the payment of interest. Until the year 2000, all Italian banks calculated interest on accounts in credit on...
The last day of the Islamic fast of Ramadan in Italy, will be on Saturday 13 Nov. The festival Eid al-Fitr, literally meaning "Festival of Breaking the Fast", marks the end of Ramadan. Prayers will be held at the Rome...
On Sunday 14 November All Saints Anglican Church in Via del Babuino 153/b is holding an inter-faith Remembrance Day ceremony at 11.00. info tel. 06036001881 On the same day there will be a Mass of remembrance organised...
The Rome city authorities have agreed to crack down on illegal street traders in the city. The decision to take firm action follows complaints from shop keepers in the central areas of the city that they are losing custo...
Night time vandalism at some of Rome's most popular tourist spots has prompted the city authorities to order the installation of 20 new, infrared closed-circuit television cameras. They are to be placed at the places mos...
Achille Serra, the prefect of Rome, has warned of an imminent housing shortage in the city where more than 15,000 Roman families are threatened with losing their homes if a legal block on evictions is not renewed, when i...
Employment in the public sector is still regarded as highly desirable by large numbers of Italians and anyone hoping for one of these jobs is expected to take part in a competition or examination (concorso) for the desir...
A partnership agreement has been reached between the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg and the Palazzo Te Museum in Mantova. The Palazzo Te was built in by Giulio Romano in the 16th century for the ruling Gonzaga family...
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Acorn P H3 - 320 x 480
Girolamo Sirchia, Italian minister for health, has reached an agreement with producers, wholesalers and retailers of powdered baby milk to reduce the price to consumers by an average 13 per kilo. The price cuts are expec...
A day walking around the streets of Rome is the equivalent of smoking five to six cigarettes. This is according to an investigation carried out by the hospital Sesto S. Giovanni in Milan. The most polluted cities...
Speeding up permits The new immigration office in Via A. Pasini has agreed to speed up the issuing and renewal of permessi di soggiorno for foreigners and has taken on 40 extra temporary staff to make the system more ef...
Entry to the Capitoline Museums will be free of charge from 2 - 6 November from 16.00 - 20.00 as compensation to tourists and Romans for the museums having been closed on 29 October during the signing of the new Europe...
To celebrate the All Saints, All Souls' holiday, when Italians traditionally visit the graves of their loved ones, AMA the company responsible for the famous city cemetery at the Verano have arranged a series of guided t...
From 15 November it will be possible to have bulky rubbish collected from your home even if it is on the 6th floor. AMA, the company that collects Rome's rubbish, is introducing a new service whereby old sofas, washing m...
Sun 31 Oct sees the end of European summer time for 2004 and clocks go back one hour. In Italy clocks will change from 03.00 to 02.00 on Sunday morning.
On 21 October Giuseppe Pisanu, Italian minister for the interior announced that there were 2,200.000 legally registered immigrants, from outside the European Union, living in Italy. On 27 October the Rome branch of Cari...
Rain on a wedding in Italy is regarded as good luck - a blessing from above - and on 25 March 1957 when the six founding members of the European Union signed the first treaty in Rome there was a thunderstorm. In those da...
The Sicilian regional assembly has allowed an exception to the local planning laws and granted permission for the construction or extensions to 8 hotels, new access roads and swimming pools on the islands of Lipari and V...
Marymount - International School Rome