Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
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World AIDS Day on Mon 1 Dec is the occasion for the United Nations Programme for HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and local organisations around the world to celebrate progress made in the battle against the epidemic and to focus on re...
Eight stalls at Rome's most famous open market in Piazza Campo de' Fiori have been closed down in a move to return the square to a more traditional look. The city council has decided the vendors of "varied goods" ranging...
Marymount - International School Rome
The number of hungry people in the world rose by 18 million during the second half of the 1990s after falling by 37 million in the first half, according to a new report by the Rome-based United Nations Food and Agricultu...
Six out of ten Italians would go back to the lira if they could, and nine out of ten feel poorer since the introduction of the euro, according to a survey by research institute Demoskopea, which interviewed 626 people na...
The victims of the 12 November bomb attack on the Italian base in Nassiriya, Iraq are to be remembered with a monument in Piazza di Porta Capena in front of the UN's Food and Agricultural Organization. The square's name...
St Marks Basilica in Venice can now be visited from home. A new hi-tech website ( has been created which contains over 500 pages, a thousand images, several panoramic views and a three-dimensional...
Bookstore chain Feltrinelli is undergoing a period of expansion and renovation in Rome, with the second wing of the megastore at Largo di Torre Argentina due to open on 2 Dec. After the relocation of most of its 70,000 b...
The bodies of the 19 Italians killed by a bomb attack in Nassiriya in the south of Iraq, which were flown back to Rome on Saturday evening, will lie in state in the Victor Emmanuel Monument, the last resting place of the...
New health ministry figures show the summer's fierce heatwave took a much higher toll among Italy's elderly than previously reported, with 7,659 more deaths among the over-65s during the period 16 July-31 August than the...
An intercultural calendar for 2004, marking religious and lay festivities celebrated by different cultures, has just been released by Roman publishing house Sinnos. Along with Christmas on 25 December, it will tell you t...
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Acorn P H3 - 320 x 480
A new state-of-the-art planetarium is being installed in Romes southern EUR district. The attraction is scheduled to open in mid-January in the vast high-ceilinged Museo della Civilt Romana complex. The planetarium will...
The Acquario in Piazza M. Fanti in Rome's Esquilino district has a new vocation: from 13 November it will be the official headquarters of Rome's Order of Architects, opening with an exhibition dedicated to the winners of...
A break-in took place at the headquarters of Rome's international gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual contact group, the Circolo di Cultura Omosessuale Mario Mieli, on the night of Sat 8 November. All of the organisat...
Three-quarters of Italians suffer from indecisiveness, according to a survey conducted by Riza Psicosomatica and reported by La Repubblica newspaper, with graduate males aged 26-35 who live in the centre-north of the cou...
The dismantling of the Axum obelisk in Piazza Porta Capena outside the headquarters of the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization has finally begun with the removal of the top section of the granite stele, whi...
A swearword or vulgar expression is pronounced on Italian television every 21 minutes, says a report by Meta Research, a company that monitors television in Italy. The research association interviewed 130 experts includi...
The Nuovo Mercato Esquilino (the market formerly located in Piazza Vittorio) is set to become even bigger. The second wing of the former barracks on Via Filippo Turati, which now houses the market, is scheduled to be ina...
The Pontifical Irish College celebrates its 375th anniversary on 6 November. The college is one of a handful of survivors of what in the 16th and 17th centuries was a thriving network of Irish seminaries across Europe, t...
A Remembrance Day ceremony to commemorate the Commonwealth war dead will be held in Rome at the Via Zabaglia military cemetery on Tuesday 11 November. Participants are asked to arrive punctually by 10.45 in order to obse...
Sales of residential housing in the province of Rome increased by 24.55 per cent in 2002 compared with the previous year, and in the city of Rome they increased by 32.1 per cent, according to a report just published on R...
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