Entry to state-owned museums, galleries, monuments and archaeological areas across Italy will be free 27-28 September during the annual European Heritage Days (Giornate Europee del Patrimonio), a joint initiative of the...
Emilia Romagna has the highest number of organ donors in Italy at 34.3 per million inhabitants, according to the national transplant centre, while Sicily has the lowest with just 6.4. Lazio lies in 14th place in the nati...
If you've ever fancied having a swim at a sports centre at midnight, eating prosciutto in the grounds of Castel S. Angelo at 02.00, visiting the Borghese Museum at 04.00 and listening to jazz on the Pincio at dawn, 27 Se...
The fierce summer heatwave has taken its toll in Italy, with 4,175 more deaths among the over-65s this year during the month 16 July - 15 August than there were during the same period in 2002, a rise of 14 per cent. The...
A memorial stone inscribed with the names of some 600 victims of the Mafia since the end of the second world war will be placed at the entrance of Villa Osio in Viale di Porta Ardeatina, Romes mayor Walter Veltroni has a...
Proof might be at hand that the ancient Roman emperor Caligula was every bit as megalomaniacal as anecdotes about his reign suggest.
Archaeologists have uncovered the remains of a vast palace which they believe was buil...
A plan to build floating homes for artists and students along the banks of the river Tiber has been given an 85 per cent approval rating in an online referendum launched by the city council. The project envisages a serie...
The Go.Card scheme, which enables 18 to 30-year-olds to claim discounts at certain cinemas, theatres, museums and shops in Rome, has been extended to young people who live outside the city and now costs 6. Launched on an...
The summer months of July and August have seen a baby boom in Milan. Births were up 10 per cent in these two summer months over the same period last year. There is a similar trend in Rome. So far this year births in priv...
Parmigiano, Gorgonzola, Pecorino, Parma and S. Daniele hams, Chianti, Grappa and Marsala are the most famous of the 14 Italian products that will be put to the World Trade Organization for special protection status at it...
Eurozone banks now have to charge the same fee for international money transfers of up to 12,500 within the zone as they do for domestic transfers.
The new regulation came into effect on 1 July after more than a decade...
Even though Lazio's regional government set aside 1.5 million euros for a campaign urging blood donation during the summer the region is still cronically short of blood. Recently people have been queuing up outside Rome'...
With the re-opening of factories and offices after the long summer holidays Italians face the prospect of electricity rationing in September. Italy has been feeling the shortage of electricity since the end of June when...
The passageway linking the Vatican with Castel S. Angelo is now open to the public. The corridor was built in 1277 to provide an escape route for the pope, and was most famously used by Pope Clemente VII in 1527, when he...
The end-of-season summer sales continue until 22 August in Rome. All shops must close on 15 August, Ferragosto, the feast of the Assumption, with the exception of those in Ostia, the city's closest seaside resort. But th...
An ambitious cultural programme to mark the 100th anniversary of the opening of Villa Borghese to the public continues throughout the summer, including exhibitions, musical and theatrical events, film screenings and spor...
If you receive an e-mail or an SMS message to your Italian cell phone from an unknown source instructing you to dial a number beginning with the digits 899, beware: the call could cost you as much as e10 and maybe more....
Italians put other nationalities in the shade when it comes to wearing sunglasses, with 56 per cent of citizens wearing theirs every day, according to the Associazione Nazionale Fabbricanti Articoli Ottici (Anfao). Last...
The Golden Gala athletics meeting takes place in Rome 11 July and looks set to attract many of the biggest stars of track and field. The meeting is one of six single-day events that are held over the summer and make up t...
Canadian singer Alanis Morisette will be headlining a free concert in Piazza del Popolo on 12 July, which will also see performances by Britain's Craig David and Will Young and Italian stars Velvet and Nicol Fabi. The mu...
Wall Street English is looking for ESL Teachers for our schools in Rome. We are Wall Street English, the premier provider of English language instruction for individuals and corpor...
John Cabot University, an accredited American university in Rome, seeks an enthusiastic and well-prepared candidate to join a dynamic team in the role of Digital Marketing and Comm...
John Cabot University, a regionally accredited American liberal arts university in Rome, Italy, is currently looking for a full-time Program Coordinator for the N.U.in Italy Progra...
John Cabot University (JCU), a regionally accredited American university in Rome, is seeking a dedicated and dynamic individual to join our Career Services Center as a Career Servi...