Giorno della Memoria
In Italy Tues 27 Jan is the official day of remembrance for the Jews who were murdered and persecuted and the Italians who were deported to Nazi concentration camps during the second world war. It marks the day in 1945 when Allied troops broke down the gates of Auschwitz, one of the most notorious extermination camps of the Nazi regime. There will be events in museums, synagogues, theatres and schools throughout Italy on and around the day.
Romes Stadio Olimpico will host a football fundraising event on 27 Jan, kickoff is at 21.00 in order to raise money for a new museum in Rome dedicated to the Shoah. Two teams made up of artists, politicians, journalists and sporting personalities, will face each other in this friendly match to support the city councils project. "The creation of a museum to remember the Holocaust is something we have promised the city in order not to forget the sacrifice made by Romes Jews" said Rome Mayor Walter Veltroni. The site for the museum has yet to be decided. For tickets tel. 800907080. For more information tel. 3403453717. The match will be televised on Rai 3.
The Unione delle Comunit Ebraiche Italiane gives a summary of all events on, tel. 065803667-065803670.
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