Illegal street-sellers under siege.
An operation was launched on 3 May targeting illegal
street-traders across Rome.
The city and state police,Carabiniere, and Guardia di Finanza joined forces in questioning traders.
Uniformed and plain-clothes officials focused on tourist-driven sites including the areas around Castel S.Angelo, Via Ottaviano and Via Cola di Rienzo in Prati
Details of traders were taken and sale-items seized.
An agent of the city police said the aims of the clampdown were two-fold; it would prevent stolen and/or fake items being sold, and also enable officers to investigate sellers who may be living in Italy illegally. Similar operations had taken place previously and further ones could be anticipated, the agent added.
The present initiative is expected to continue throughout this week and late on Tuesday 4 May sellers who had congregated on Ponte S. Angelo suddenly fled en-masse after spotting several plain-clothes police.
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