Immigrants in Rome.
There were 250,640 immigrants living in Rome at the start of 2007 according to the latest annual report from Caritas Roma, the Rome section of the international Catholic relief organisation. This represents a 6.3 per cent increase over the previous year. Immigrants, over half of whom are women, accounted for 9 per cent of the city
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International Acadamy Lab Rome is seeking freelance, mothertongue English teachers for Adult in Person and online lessons. Information or interest: Send CV to
Experienced IGCSE Maths teachers required for school courses
Seeking teachers with at least one year of classroom experience preparing students for the following IGCSE Maths
Candidates would ideally have a degree and/or A-levels in the rele...
Diplomatic Mercedes-Benz 2016, Black Milage 180,879Km, non functional, for sale to Highest Bidder
Bids to be submitted in sealed envelope marked "Sale of Mercedes-Benz" addressed to the Head of Chancery office, Consulate General of Pakistan, Milan before 1100 hours on April 10,...
Acorn International Summer School June 9 - July 25 - English Teachers Wanted
AIS is seeking motivated english language teachers for our Summer School Program. Please send your CV to with availability.