Families employing one or more illegal immigrants to help in the home or look after an elderly relative can legalize their immigration status under new rules approved by parliament in early August.
The amnesty costs
Entering or staying in Italy without a valid permit of stay has become a crime offence under controversial new anti-immigration legislation approved definitively by the senate, or upper house of parliament, on 2 July. Un...
The Save the Children Italia has opened a day centre for immigrant orphans in Rome. Located in the area of S. Lorenzo in close proximity to Termini train station, CivicoZero, Via dei Bruzi 10, is open every afternoon and...
Almost a thousand foreign child victims of the modern slave trade sought and received assistance in Italy between 2000 and 2007, according to a report prepared by the Italian branch of international charity
The new right-wing government of Silvio Berlusconi has approved a package of tough new measures aimed at countering illegal immigration and crime. Some of the provisions extend to European Union (EU) citizens to target R...
The new Italian government is going ahead with plans to crack down on crime and illegal immigrants. Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, announced the five point plan 13 May at the conclusion of a meeting with Milan mayor,...
There were 250,640 immigrants living in Rome at the start of 2007 according to the latest annual report from Caritas Roma, the Rome section of the international Catholic relief organisation. This represents a 6.3 per cen...
From 1 December employers must apply online through the ministry of the interior website www.interno.it for permission to take on new immigrant employees. On this website there are long but clear instructions for the e...
Italian president Giorgio Napolitano has signed a government decree empowering city prefects to expel European Union citizens considered to pose a threat to public safety. The decree comes in the wake of a spree of immig...
Italians are split between viewing immigration as a threat or an economic opportunity, according to a new report.
The study by French research institute TNT Sofres found one in two Italians believe foreigners bring econ...
The number of immigrants arriving illegally by boat on the shores of Italy since the start of this year is down on the same period in 2006 according to interior ministry figures. As of 28 August the number of arrivals st...
Migration from the south of Italy to the north of the country is nearing levels last seen during the peak migratory period of the1960s, according to a report by the association for industrial development in southern Ital...
The cabinet has given the green light to a new bill aimed at tackling illegal immigration by making it easier for foreigners to enter Italy through legal channels. The bill would replace the current Bossi-Fini immigratio...
The minister of the interior Giuliano Amato has presented a code of conduct for immigrants in Italy that, while not legally binding, may become a required
Prestigious diplomatic residence is seeking qualified candidates for two full-time positions as “House-Manager(Butler)” and “Housekeeper”
Employment will be under the Italian Nati...
In the quiet Montesacro neighborhood well served by buses and metro B, I am selling an apartment on the 2nd floor with a terrace, 2 balconies, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen and...
This 10-day summer institute and professional development course focuses on lessons learned, future directions, and advanced conversations on health and risk communication related...