6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 2025


A demonstration to draw attention to poverty in Africa is scheduled for Saturday 17 April in Rome. The march from Piazza Barberini to Piazza del Popolo is due to begin at 15.00. ItaliaAfrica is supported by the city administration, the trades unions, immigrant groups and non governmental organisations in the capital. It is hoped to draw the attention of western Europe to the needs of the poorest countries in Africa and to remind the member states of the European Union of the real help which could be offered, such as the cancellation of foreign debt, the banning of arms sales and the free distribution of essential vaccines and medicines.

The march will be followed by a free concert from 16.00-24.00 in the Piazza del Popolo with groups of musicians from Africa and European including Youssou'n Dour, Daniele Silvestri and Paola Turci.

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