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Italian politician becomes first to breastfeed in parliament

Gilda Sportiello makes history in Rome.

Italian MP Gilda Sportiello has become the first politician to breastfeed in the nation's parliament.

Sportiello, a member of the populist Movimento 5 Stelle, fed her newborn baby boy during a public administration vote in the lower house on Wednesday.

The politician nursed two-month-old Federico in the higher benches of parliament and the pair were greeted with unanimous applause following the vote.

The parliament's vice president Giorgio Mulè congratulated Sportiello and welcomed "the little, very little Federico" on his debut in the chamber, wishing him "a long, free and peaceful life."

The first step towards today's historic move began in 2021 when a breastfeeding room was opened in parliament buildings at Palazzo Montecitorio.

Last November a law was passed allowing women to breastfeed their babies in parliament, following a proposal in 2019 by Giorgia Meloni, the current prime minister of Italy.

Photo Agenzia Dire

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Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia